How to get involved:
- The MMT Project
- Modern Money Network: to promote public understanding of money and finance through education, discussion, and scholarship
- Public Money Action: Promoting social justice through public money
- MMT Ed: Free learning materials on MMT, courtesy of Professor Bill Mitchell
- Public Money Action (coming soon)
- @thepublicmoney and MMN YouTube Channel.
- Gower Initiative for Modern Money Studies
- Sunrise Movement
- Real Progressives
- Extinction Rebellion
- Beyond Extreme Energy
- Rethinking Economics is an international network of students, academics, professionals and citizens building a better economics in society and the classroom. On FaceBook @rethinkecon
- Doughnut Economics Action Lab is a global community of people exploring the ideas of Doughnut Economics and pioneering ways to put the ideas into practice. This includes educators, policy makers, community members, business people, artists, academics, designers, facilitators, oh, and the occasional economist.
- Ecological Economics For All Transforming economies to foster genuine and inclusive well-being within planetary boundaries through ecologically sustainable and equitable societies
- Wellbeing Economy Alliance: (WEAll) What is the Economy? Simply put, it’s the way that we produce and provide for one another. We often think of the economy as something given, fixed and unchangeable – but it’s not. The rules, social norms and stories that underpin our current system were designed by people, and that means they can also be changed by people. A Wellbeing Economy is an economy designed to serve people and planet, not the other way around. In a Wellbeing Economy, the rules, norms and incentives are set up to deliver quality of life and flourishing for all people, in harmony with our environment, by default.
University Programs:
- Modern Money Lab Online Graduate Program in Modern Monetary Theory and Economics of Sustainability: with Torrens University, Australia

Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People’s Economy — Stephanie Kelton, June, 2020

Macroeconomics — Textbook, Bill Mitchell, L. Randall Wray, Martin Watts, 2019

Modern Money Theory — Primer L. Randall Wray, 2015

The Case for A Job Guarantee— Pavlina Tcherneva, 2020

Less is More — Jason Hickel, 2021

Doughnut Economics — Kate Raworth, 2018

The Nature of Money — Geoffrey Ingham, 2004

Economics for Sustainable Prosperity — Steven Hail, 2018, Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity

Modern Monetary Theory and European Macroeconomics – Dirk Ehnts, 2016

The Financial System and the Economy
• Principles of Money and Banking — Eric Tymoigne, Lewis & Clark College, 2018, Download available
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Billy Blog Long standing blog by Bill Mitchell, pioneer of Modern Monetary Theory, featuring thousands of posts.

MMT podcast @MMTPodcast
Hosted by Patricia Pino (@PatriciaNPino) and Christian Reilly (@christreilly)
via REKNR (@reknrmag)

Macro N Cheese @CheeseMacro
Hosted by Steve Grumbine (@STGrumbine)

Money on the Left @moneyontheleft
Hosted by Scott Ferguson (@videotroph), Billy Saas (@BillySaas)

Funny Money Podcast @PodFunnyMoney
Hosted by Andres Bernal (@andresintheory) and Jessica L. Burbank (@jessicalburbank)
Recommended podcast episodes and videos
Debunking the Deficit Hysteria with Stephanie Kelton
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) Why is this happening?
With Chris Hayes May 7, 2019 (56:48)
This Is How MMT Applies To Emerging Markets
— Fadhel Kaboub, Bloomberg April 5, 2019 (38:36)
We can Pay for a Green New Deal podcast with Stephanie Kelton, 2018, The Zero Hour